
English phonetizer
English phonetizer

english phonetizer

Yazım sistemi belli bir yazı kurallarını kullanarak belli bir dili yazmak için standartlaşmış bir sistem demektir. ÖZET Bu çalışmanın amacı İngiliz dilini bir yabancı dil olarak öğrenen Türk öğrencilerin bu dilin yazım (imla) kurallarından kaynaklanan telaffuz sorunlarını araştırmaktır. Key Words: EFL learners, English spelling and pronunciation Öz The results of the study may be useful for teachers trying to teach English to Turkish learners. Another reason of the mispronunciations is the students’ tendencies to make overgeneralizations. Because of the irregularities, students are unsuccessful when they try to guess the correct pronunciation of words. It was found that, among other factors, English spelling played an important role in the students’ mispronunciations. Finally, an interview was conducted with the students, to learn the causes of their mispronunciations. In order to collect data, ten class sessions of the Listening and Pronunciation course were recorded and after the transcription of the data, the mispronounced words were listed by the researcher. In total, 43 students participated in the study and their English proficiency levels ranged from intermediate to upper-intermediate. The participants in this study were freshman students studying in the ELT Department of Dicle University. This study examines the causes of the problems in pronunciation that Turkish EFL learners experience as English language learners.

English phonetizer